Different command line
Posted: 2014-06-18T09:37:23-07:00
Sorry to my english, i'm french... and i understand not very good the docs to ImageMagick :/
I would like to know :
- how i can resize image proportionally (not up width or/and height). Example : if have image 500x200, i want resize to 1000x400, but image is less, so i don't resize it. I get the image 500x200
- the same thing but with animate gif, with each image in gif to resize, if necessary, each image in a bad width/height. Example : one image in animate gif don't have good width or/and height, so i resize this image and not other image
- add second (little) image (with transparent font) on bottom right to the first image
Little question :
- why thumbnail exist ? Indeed, resize is same thing :/
- how can i create one image and put the uploaded image in the created image to don't have php code and other malicious code in the image ?
Thanks to your answer
Sorry to my english, i'm french... and i understand not very good the docs to ImageMagick :/
I would like to know :
- how i can resize image proportionally (not up width or/and height). Example : if have image 500x200, i want resize to 1000x400, but image is less, so i don't resize it. I get the image 500x200
- the same thing but with animate gif, with each image in gif to resize, if necessary, each image in a bad width/height. Example : one image in animate gif don't have good width or/and height, so i resize this image and not other image
- add second (little) image (with transparent font) on bottom right to the first image
Little question :
- why thumbnail exist ? Indeed, resize is same thing :/
- how can i create one image and put the uploaded image in the created image to don't have php code and other malicious code in the image ?
Thanks to your answer