.ICO Read last scene

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.ICO Read last scene

Post by Tiongen »

Hello together,

I am using ImageMagick 6.5.4-7, C++ API.

When using the Read() Function. It should be possible to read the latest scene from the list of scenes.
So it looks like this: ImageObject.read(inputFile + "[-1]")

This is working for most of my ICO Images. Tested about 100.

But for some ICO it is not working. It is selecting some scene from the middle.
If I do "identify" on those ICO Files, they are showing me more scenes, than "-1" is selecting.
Opening them in GIMP, GIMP shows me 16 Layers.

For example
ImageObject.read(inputFile + "[-1]") will select scene 5.
But "identify inputFile" shows me 0-16 scenes.
I am expecting "-1" to select scene 16.

Any Idea, what is going on ? Could this be a bug in IM ?
I don't have any idea to prevent this from happening.

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Re: .ICO Read last scene

Post by fmw42 »

This is ancient (almost 350 versions old). It is likely to be fixed in current versions of IM. I doubt there is going to be any fix for this old version.

If you want to post one of your bad ico files to some free hosting service and put the URL here, some one will likely be able to confirm if it works properly in current versions of IM.
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Re: .ICO Read last scene

Post by Tiongen »

Thanks for the info.

Here is one of the ICO.

I am using this version, because I can only use official CentOS6 Builds.
I am using the newest version for CentOS6.
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Re: .ICO Read last scene

Post by snibgo »

That is a PNG file, not an ICO file.
snibgo's IM pages: im.snibgo.com
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