Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
I'm compiling my latex files to convert them automatically from PDF to image with Image Magick. Though I'm not sure whether this is rather latex compiler or Image Magick problem, perhaps I figure out something there.
The outcome image should be saved into recent folder (i.e. ..\import\). However IM wants the image in some unknown subfolder (\300), that I have never configured:
Also I'm looking for some IM configuration that determines the saving path.
No, there is not such a file. I'm converting PDF file (it's called import.pdf) into image file.
I'm using standalone macro for cropping the formatted text/tikz image at compilation and then automatically calling IM to convert created PDF. In standalone manual there aren't noticed some special tasks for conversion software (just -shell-escape attribute), as well as some comments about 300 image.
I renamed convert.exe into imgconvert.exe (there was another imgconvert.exe and I removed it, hope it doesn't matter), and NOW IT WORKS! After compilation, there is PNG image created
Thanks for your answers!