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image analysis / position and size of effectively used area

Posted: 2014-07-20T06:15:22-07:00
I'm new to imagemagick and would like to aks the gurus on how to do the following:

- I have to determine left-x,top-y and the size (height and width) of the
effectively used area inside a bigger image.
- means this "effectively used area" has a rectangular shape.
- effectively used = non-transparent area (or area that is not white)

actually the "trim" function performs a cool job. but I need to have the position of this
trimmed portion inside the original image. I'm fine with reading these values out of
any imagemagick log.

does anybody have an idea?


Re: image analysis / position and size of effectively used a

Posted: 2014-07-20T06:21:25-07:00
by snibgo

Code: Select all

convert in.png -format %@ info:
This gives you the width, height, x-offset and y-offset that would result from a trim.

Re: image analysis / position and size of effectively used a

Posted: 2014-07-20T07:19:54-07:00
cool. thanks to the guru!