Resize PSD first, then convert to PNG layers

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Resize PSD first, then convert to PNG layers

Post by alexandervrs »

I am creating a node-webkit application. There is a module for it that allows executing imagemagick commands. So I am using the convert command to convert a PSD into PNG layers.

Problem is that a PSD with a large canvas (like 4000x4000) takes a very long time to convert and export each layer.

What I'd like to do is first resize the PSD (to its 30% for example, keeping all layers, just resizing the canvas) without exporting all the layers and as it is now smaller, then convert it to PNG layers.

Is this possible somehow?
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Re: Resize PSD first, then convert to PNG layers

Post by snibgo »

As a command, you could:

Code: Select all

convert in.psd -resize 30% out-%03d.png
This will:
1. read the psd, so you now hve one image per layer;
2. resize each image to 30%
3. save the images as out-000.png, out-001.png, out-002.png etc.
snibgo's IM pages:
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