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Set draw text to the right

Posted: 2014-07-29T08:23:16-07:00
by AcsPrime
Hey guys.

I am new to image magick.
I am trying to create an image with some text aligned left some aligned right.
This is the code I have to create the image

Code: Select all

convert -fill black -size 450x150 xc:white \
Then I add the text.
The ones on the left are easy. I just do (in the convert command);
-pointsize 17 -draw "text 5,50 'Text text'" \

But I am having a hard time with the ones on the right.
I don't know the size of the text beforehand so how can I properly align the text to the right? (I need to align it vertically as well)



Nevermind. The -gravity option was what I wanted.

Re: Set draw text to the right

Posted: 2014-07-29T10:13:05-07:00
by fmw42
use -gravity. then the coordinates should be relative to the gravity setting. So if you use -gravity east, or northeast, then the x=0 will be relative to the right side.

see ... hp#gravity

You can also use -annotate similarly with gravity. see

Alternately, you can create a transparent background image which just surrounds your text and then composite it over your background image at any position via -gravity and -geometry. see label: or caption: on the same pages.