Drawing text as part of long convert, php exec
Posted: 2014-07-30T12:43:08-07:00
I have a long convert command that works just fine in composting several images.
I want to add some text layer after the images are composed, but I cant seem to get it right.
Where and how should I add the text?
The code above works fine, composting the input_cal + input_image + input_frame to a singel file.
I just need to add few text layers above,
Please help.
I want to add some text layer after the images are composed, but I cant seem to get it right.
Where and how should I add the text?
Code: Select all
$cmd =" -size {$final_image_w}x{$final_image_h} xc:white -density 300 ";
$cmd .=" {$input_cal} -geometry +0+{$final_top_h} -composite";
$cmd .=" {$input_image} -geometry +{$user_image_right}+{$user_image_top} -composite";
$cmd .=" {$input_frame} -geometry +0+0 -composite";
$output = "/home/isocia5/public_html/fbcalendar/src/php/upload/".$fb_id."/exports_".$canvas_size."/".$fb_id."_".$canvas_id.".jpg";
exec("convert {$cmd} {$output} ");
I just need to add few text layers above,
Please help.