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Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-01T19:38:47-07:00
by JagVoylla
I have a image with has more of Golden hues . I wanted to change the background to white. Tried this , and background became all black
convert IM8.jpg -alpha set -channel RGBA -fuzz 1% -fill none -floodfill +0+0 white IM8_Flood.jpg
What am I missing?
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-01T20:41:51-07:00
by fmw42
convert IM8.jpg -alpha set -channel RGBA -fuzz 1% -fill none -floodfill +0+0 white IM8_Flood.jpg
jpg does not support transparency, and your command is trying to fill any white with transparency.
You probably want
convert IM8.jpg -alpha set -channel RGBA -fuzz 1% -fill
white -floodfill +0+0
backgroundcolor IM8_Flood.jpg
But you should use the exact value of your background color so that -fuzz XX% can use as small a value as possible. I do not recommend saving as jpg, since it is a compressed format and may change your background color of white to something only close to white.
What is your IM version and platform.
try this instead as a simpler command. It finds the color at 0,0 automatically
Code: Select all
convert IM8.jpg -fuzz 1% -fill white -draw "color 0,0 floodfill" IM8_Flood.jpg
If that does not work, try increasing the fuzz value or post a link to your image. You can upload to any free image hosting service, such as (public folder).
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-02T11:47:18-07:00
by JagVoylla
Thank you so much for your help. Really appreciate this
I have uploaded the change image here : ... lood_2.jpg
This is the image I started with :
I see that the circle in the middle is still not cleaned up, Is there a way to clean up this as well.
I also want to remove the thread on top of the image , is there a way to do so?
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-02T12:08:33-07:00
by fmw42
Background removal is a very hard process when the background is not constant, especially with shadows.
I think you have reached the limits of what you can do easily with background removal. Shadows are very hard to deal with. When the background is shaded, sometimes you can make a background image from the outer parts of the image and scale it to the full image size. See how snibgo and I tried to deal with that at
But here the shadow is in the center and I don't see a way to deal with that. Also there is no way to remove the thread, besides some kind of manual painting with the background color or outlining manually to create a mask (same for the inside shadow).
There are some tools that try to do automated background remove or user guided. See ... abcut.html
However, IM does not currently have anything like that.
Perhaps one of the other IM users might have another approach that will help further.
Also see
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-02T13:53:52-07:00
by fmw42
What was the exact command you used. One may be able to clean it up some by replacing the background with "none" transparency so that one can use the alpha channel to do some other mask processing.
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-03T11:12:18-07:00
by JagVoylla
I started with JPG and used following sequence :-
convert IMTEST.jpg -level 3.921%,96.08%,0.95 IM6.jpg
convert IM6.jpg -brightness-contrast 3 IM7.jpg
convert IM7.jpg -fuzz 1% -fill white -draw "color 0,0 floodfill" IM8_Flood.jpg
As you suggested in earlier replies , it might be hard to have transparency related commands on jpg , I can start with a open file as well. We are shooting these pictures so I can get any required format.
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-03T11:44:35-07:00
by fmw42
I would caution against saving to jpg for intermediate images. You will lose quality at each step due the lossy compression.
You can do all your commands in one single command.
Code: Select all
convert IMTEST.jpg -level 3.921%,96.08%,0.95 -brightness-contrast 3 -fuzz 1% -fill white -draw "color 0,0 floodfill" IM8_Flood.jpg
This command does not work on the image you provided earlier I2.jpg
So this is not the command you used for that image.
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-03T18:40:14-07:00
by JagVoylla
Sorry, I put in wrong link , here is the original image :
When I tried combined command, I saw the white fill was not consistent. Please see the image here for ... lood_3.jpg for result of the combined command.
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-03T19:38:37-07:00
by fmw42
Same image as before. The different results are because you are saving intermediate images as jpg.
If you use one command the intermediate images are not compressed.
But neither your commands or the one single one are making the whole outside completely white, though the single command does a better job. The reason is that the background is not a constant color. So you need to increase the fuzz value.
Try the single command with -fuzz 10%. Now all the outside is white, but the inside is still unchanged. You need to use floodfill in the inside ring as as well, but that will still leave some non-white.
To see, try
Code: Select all
convert IMTEST.jpg -level 3.921%,96.08%,0.95 -brightness-contrast 3 -fuzz 10% -fill white -draw "color 0,0 floodfill color 540,1000 floodfill" IM8_Flood_new.jpg
You could try doing the floodfill in the inside in more places to try to clear up more of the background.
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-05T04:14:38-07:00
by JagVoylla
Thanks for all your help. Could finish quite a bit of it. Image which have pearls in them are new problem that I am struggling with . The fill white command write on pearls as well. Any help in this will be greatly appreciated. ... G_7367.png
Re: Making background White
Posted: 2014-08-05T10:03:39-07:00
by fmw42
your background is too similar in color to the pearls. this is very hard to work with. try the following, but it is not perfect and some of the pearls are gone. Here I try to recreate the background image from the 4 corners of the image, interpolating to fill it out. Then I do -compose divide to remove the background.
Code: Select all
convert IMG_7367.png \
\( -clone 0 -gravity northwest -crop 400x400+0+0 +repage \) \
\( -clone 0 -gravity northeast -crop 400x400+0+0 +repage \) \
\( -clone 0 -gravity southwest -crop 400x400+0+0 +repage \) \
\( -clone 0 -gravity southeast -crop 400x400+0+0 +repage \) \
\( -clone 1 -clone 2 +append \) \
\( -clone 3 -clone 4 +append \) \
-delete 1-4 \
\( -clone 1 -clone 2 -append -scale 1936x3000! \) \
-delete 1,2 \
+swap -compose divide -composite result.png