command line by php shell not working for SOME files
Posted: 2014-08-05T02:29:28-07:00
my versions:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1
PHP 5.5.14
ImageMagick 6.8.9-6 Q16 x64 2014-07-22
I'm using imagemagik to batch convert some files calling from php with "system()" function (also test with exec() and passthru() )
For all files it works well except for .ai or .pdf files.
The same call works well by command line, but doesn't works with the php call, without throwing errors...
I've put also the verbose flag that doesn't reports anything strange, except that the print result is cut out just after the printing of -sOutputFile an the temp files ...
I've found in the C:\Windows\Temp directory the temp files created each time by imagemagic, and these contains the correct conversion of the files .ai, these just doesn't comes copied to the directory.
Should it be due to a permission issue over the C:/Users/Administrators/AppData/Local/Temp/ directory for the php/iis users ?
Is there a way to solve ?
my versions:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1
PHP 5.5.14
ImageMagick 6.8.9-6 Q16 x64 2014-07-22
I'm using imagemagik to batch convert some files calling from php with "system()" function (also test with exec() and passthru() )
For all files it works well except for .ai or .pdf files.
The same call works well by command line, but doesn't works with the php call, without throwing errors...
Code: Select all
$command = 'convert -density 99 -verbose "d:\\exe\\temp\\imagemagik\\" "d:\\exe\\temp\\imagemagik\\" ';
$result_var = NULL;
$result = system($command,$result_var);
I've found in the C:\Windows\Temp directory the temp files created each time by imagemagic, and these contains the correct conversion of the files .ai, these just doesn't comes copied to the directory.
Should it be due to a permission issue over the C:/Users/Administrators/AppData/Local/Temp/ directory for the php/iis users ?
Is there a way to solve ?