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Bulleted list

Posted: 2014-08-12T22:38:51-07:00
by abs2act
Is there a way to create a bulleted text image list?

Something to this effect


Re: Bulleted list

Posted: 2014-08-12T22:44:11-07:00
by fmw42
try this using line feeds to move to next line between words

Code: Select all

convert -size x300 -font arial -gravity west -fill black -background white label:"Groceries:\n*Apple\n*Orange\n*Banana" result.png

Code: Select all

convert -size x300 -font arial -gravity west -fill black -background white label:"Groceries:\n•Apple\n•Orange\n•Banana" show:

Re: Bulleted list

Posted: 2014-08-12T23:05:05-07:00
by abs2act
Thanks again for the quick reply. That's actually what I'm using now for my text image. I was hoping there was an actual way of displaying a bullet instead of using an asterisk in its place.

Re: Bulleted list

Posted: 2014-08-13T02:22:56-07:00
by snibgo
Fred's last example uses a bullet character. Bullets are simply characters, just like asterisks. If you are on Unix or Mac, it should work fine. If on Windows, it is a bit more clumsy; see my page on Utf8 text.