how to change skin color to some hex or RGB color?
Posted: 2014-08-13T03:47:57-07:00
I have a "face in hole" type of application.
I have cut hole in the place of monalisa's face and feathered it. (PNG)
Users upload their photos and adjust the faces in hole.
And, I send the monalisa's PNG and users photo to my script and using imagemagick, it composes them into a JPG.
I know the Hex and RGB color of monalisa's face.
So, whatever may be the color of the user's face, I want to replace that with the color of monalisa.
I have tried
I tried to do this using -modulate hue. but hue is in %.
So, don't understand how to use this.
are there any other commands I can use to replace the skin color
Please suggest me various commands that I can use to do this effectively.
I have a "face in hole" type of application.
I have cut hole in the place of monalisa's face and feathered it. (PNG)
Users upload their photos and adjust the faces in hole.
And, I send the monalisa's PNG and users photo to my script and using imagemagick, it composes them into a JPG.
I know the Hex and RGB color of monalisa's face.
So, whatever may be the color of the user's face, I want to replace that with the color of monalisa.
I have tried
Code: Select all
-fill tint -tint 100
Code: Select all
-fill tint -colorize 50%
Code: Select all
\( +clone +matte -fill monalisacolor -colorize 100% \) -compose overlay -composite
So, don't understand how to use this.
are there any other commands I can use to replace the skin color
Please suggest me various commands that I can use to do this effectively.