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How do I set the default directory?
Posted: 2014-08-18T07:52:04-07:00
by RCinSTP
I am using a command line like this: montage c:\data\one.jpg c:\data\two.jpg c:\data\three.jpg c:\data\four.jpg -mode Concatenate -tile 2x2 c:\data\combined.jpg
I searched the documentation and this forum but I couldn't figure out how to set the default directory for input and/or output so that I would not need to include the file path "c:\data" before each image. Or, this there a way to write this command line so that it works montage/tiles all files in a directory?
Re: How do I set the default directory?
Posted: 2014-08-18T08:16:07-07:00
by snibgo
Type the following commands:
Re: How do I set the default directory?
Posted: 2014-08-18T08:24:47-07:00
by RCinSTP
I don't understand? If I am at the command prompt and it reads: c:\> and I type "cd \code" wouldn't that command try to change the directory to c:\code ?
Re: How do I set the default directory?
Posted: 2014-08-18T08:32:08-07:00
by snibgo
Sorry, I had "code" on the brain. I meant:
Re: How do I set the default directory?
Posted: 2014-08-18T08:39:41-07:00
by RCinSTP
I changed the command prompt so that it now reads: c:\data then I tried running c:\data montage one.jpg two.jpg etc., but the montage command could not find the files, it's not looking in c:\data
Re: How do I set the default directory?
Posted: 2014-08-18T08:57:16-07:00
by snibgo
Exactly what command did you use, and what was the exact error message?
Re: How do I set the default directory?
Posted: 2014-08-18T09:48:46-07:00
by RCinSTP
I used:
c:\data> montage one.jpg two.jpg three.jpg four.jpg -mode Concatenate -tile 2x2 combinedImage.jpg
Do I use a command similar to below to set the default directory?
C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.8.3-Q16\montage.exe -define registry:temporary-path="D:\Temp"
Re: How do I set the default directory?
Posted: 2014-08-18T10:03:22-07:00
by snibgo
"temporary-path" gives the location for temporary files.
For me, montage reads and writes to the current directory. I don't know why it won't for you.
What error message does it give?
Re: How do I set the default directory?
Posted: 2014-08-18T10:06:54-07:00
by RCinSTP
I apologize, I must have made a small typo or something because now it is working fine. Thank you for your help and support.