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how to create text shadow or outside stroke with caption?

Posted: 2014-08-18T09:08:55-07:00
by ravikum
annotate can produce shadows.
it also can make strokes that form outside as shown at

However, is there a way to apply such effects with caption ?

I need to write text on a photo and caption can make the text to appear in new line if it is long.
So, I prefer caption instead of annotate.

Please suggest me how to apply outside stroke / shadow with caption.


Re: how to create text shadow or outside stroke with caption

Posted: 2014-08-18T10:08:56-07:00
by fmw42

Re: how to create text shadow or outside stroke with caption

Posted: 2014-08-18T17:03:02-07:00
by ravikum
Thanks a lot.
It is working.