Image in the foreground in the multi-page pdf document
Posted: 2014-09-17T03:55:04-07:00
Good day! Tell me how to get out of the following situations, you need to place the image in the foreground in the multi-page pdf document. If you enter the following code:
"d:\imagemagick\convert -density 200 d:\imagemagick\v1.pdf null: ( d:\imagemagick\no_copy.png -fill grey90 -colorize 80 ) -fill grey10 -gravity SouthEast -geometry +1000+50 -compose over -matte multiply -layers composite d:\imagemagick\result.pdf"
swears by the operator "multiply" and it turns out only on the first page, how to do it on all pages of the document?
For earlier, grateful.
"d:\imagemagick\convert -density 200 d:\imagemagick\v1.pdf null: ( d:\imagemagick\no_copy.png -fill grey90 -colorize 80 ) -fill grey10 -gravity SouthEast -geometry +1000+50 -compose over -matte multiply -layers composite d:\imagemagick\result.pdf"
swears by the operator "multiply" and it turns out only on the first page, how to do it on all pages of the document?
For earlier, grateful.