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How can I make screenshot of the part of the screen?

Posted: 2014-10-12T02:05:20-07:00
by vasili111
I use Windows 8. I have coordinates of the part of the screen and I want to make screenshot only of that rectangle. How can I do it with ImageMagick?

Re: How can I make screenshot of the part of the screen?

Posted: 2014-10-12T03:12:25-07:00
by dlemstra
If you have at least ImageMagick 6.8.9-0 you can do the following to take a screenshot of part of your screen:

Code: Select all

convert screenshot: -crop 100x100+500+500 sreenshot.png
The -crop operation cuts out a rectangle that is 100x100 at position 500x500. And if your computer has multiple monitors you can specify an index 'screenshot:[1]'.

Code: Select all

convert screenshot:[1] -crop 100x100+500+500 sreenshot.png