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New Installation Delegate issues

Posted: 2014-11-05T07:08:07-07:00
by ylafont
I had to upgrade my IM installation, on a RaspberryPI Wheezy, installation.

$convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-10 Q16 armv6l 2014-11-04
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC OpenMP
Delegates: freetype jbig jpeg tiff zlib

after a successful compile and installation, IM seem to be missing certain key elements regarding delegates. From the initial installation, one of the commands issued was,

convert -size 1000x1000 xc:white white.png

This command failed with missing PNG delegate. I then installed compiled and installed the PNG library located here.

however, convert -version does not show the PNG library as installed. and now i get the following

Code: Select all

convert -size 1000x1000 xc:white white.png
this image format `XC' @ error/constitute.c/WriteImage/1167.

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$ time compare -metric rmse -subimage-search -dissimilarity-threshold 1 -similarity-threshold 0.98 out2.tif \( -size 1x1 xc:black \) null:
compare: out2.tif: Seek error accessing TIFF directory. `TIFFFetchDirectory' @ error/tiff.c/TIFFErrors/582.
compare: out2.tif: Failed to read directory at offset 0. `TIFFReadDirectory' @ error/tiff.c/TIFFErrors/582.
Not sure if these are related. thank you.

Re: New Installation Delegate issues

Posted: 2014-11-05T07:22:06-07:00
by magick
Install the ImageMagick development RPM with apt-get. ImageMagick needs to find the delegate header files when its built from source to support a particular delegate library such as PNG.

Re: New Installation Delegate issues

Posted: 2014-11-05T07:28:08-07:00
by ylafont
Magick, thank you for the quick reply,

Is there a specific version that should be installed? last time i installed with apt-get i got and old version.

also to verify the package is

thank you.

Re: New Installation Delegate issues

Posted: 2014-11-05T07:31:21-07:00
by magick
You can either install the old version to conveniently install all the ImageMagick delegate dependencies or you can install them individually yourself such as libpng-devel, libtiff-devel, etc.

Re: New Installation Delegate issues

Posted: 2014-11-05T09:58:59-07:00
by ylafont

i believe i already have these library installed.

Code: Select all

pi@PiScanner ~/tmp/TestScans $ sudo dpkg-query -l libpng*
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                Version                Architecture           Description
un  libpng-dev                          <none>                                        (no description available)
ii  libpng12-0:armhf                    1.2.49-1               armhf                  PNG library - runtime
un  libpng12-0-dev                      <none>                                        (no description available)
ii  libpng12-dev                        1.2.49-1               armhf                  PNG library - development
un  libpng2                             <none>                                        (no description available)
un  libpng2-dev                         <none>                                        (no description available)
un  libpng3-dev                         <none>                                        (no description available)

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pi@PiScanner ~/tmp/TestScans $ sudo dpkg-query -l libtif*
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                Version                Architecture           Description
un  libtiff-dev                         <none>                                        (no description available)
ii  libtiff4:armhf                      3.9.6-11               armhf                  Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library (old version)
ii  libtiff4-dev                        3.9.6-11               armhf                  Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library (old version), development files
ii  libtiff5:armhf                      4.0.2-6+deb7u3         armhf                  Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library
un  libtiff5-dev                        <none>                                        (no description available)
ii  libtiffxx0c2:armhf                  3.9.6-11               armhf                  Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library (old version) -- C++ interface
IS there anything to check?

Re: New Installation Delegate issues

Posted: 2014-11-05T10:58:20-07:00
by magick
"un" likely meand uninstalled. Try installing libpng-dev, for example, then reconfigure / rebuild ImageMagick to add PNG support.

Re: New Installation Delegate issues

Posted: 2014-11-05T18:09:57-07:00
by ylafont
I do not think packages would be listed if they where not installed, (if i remember correctly).

I am assuming that one of the packages i installed as i was trying to figure this out installed the. I have to re-configure and install again to be able to use them

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nstall documentation:          yes

Delegate Configuration:
BZLIB             --with-bzlib=yes              yes
Autotrace         --with-autotrace=no           no
Dejavu fonts      --with-dejavu-font-dir=default        none
DJVU              --with-djvu=yes               yes
DPS               --with-dps=yes                no
FFTW              --with-fftw=yes               no
FlashPIX          --with-fpx=yes                no
FontConfig        --with-fontconfig=yes         yes
FreeType          --with-freetype=yes           yes
GhostPCL          None                          pcl6 (unknown)
GhostXPS          None                          gxps (unknown)
Ghostscript       None                          gs (9.05)
Ghostscript fonts --with-gs-font-dir=default    /usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/
Ghostscript lib   --with-gslib=no               no
Graphviz          --with-gvc=no
JBIG              --with-jbig=yes               yes
JPEG v1           --with-jpeg=yes               yes
JPEG-2000         --with-jp2=
LCMS v1           --with-lcms=yes               yes
LCMS v2           --with-lcms2=yes              no
LQR               --with-lqr=yes                yes
LTDL              --with-ltdl=yes               no
LZMA              --with-lzma=yes               no
Magick++          --with-magick-plus-plus=yes   yes
OpenEXR           --with-openexr=yes            yes
OpenJP2           --with-openjp2=yes            no
PANGO             --with-pango=yes              no
PERL              --with-perl=no                no
PNG               --with-png=yes                yes
RSVG              --with-rsvg=no                no
TIFF              --with-tiff=yes               yes
WEBP              --with-webp=yes               no
Windows fonts     --with-windows-font-dir=      none
WMF               --with-wmf=no         no
X11               --with-x=                     yes
XML               --with-xml=yes                yes
ZLIB              --with-zlib=yes               yes
thanks for the assistance.

Re: New Installation Delegate issues

Posted: 2014-11-05T18:09:57-07:00
by ylafont
I do not think packages would be listed if they where not installed, (if i remember correctly).

I am assuming that one of the packages i installed as i was trying to figure this out installed the. I have to re-configure and install again to be able to use them

Code: Select all

nstall documentation:          yes

Delegate Configuration:
BZLIB             --with-bzlib=yes              yes
Autotrace         --with-autotrace=no           no
Dejavu fonts      --with-dejavu-font-dir=default        none
DJVU              --with-djvu=yes               yes
DPS               --with-dps=yes                no
FFTW              --with-fftw=yes               no
FlashPIX          --with-fpx=yes                no
FontConfig        --with-fontconfig=yes         yes
FreeType          --with-freetype=yes           yes
GhostPCL          None                          pcl6 (unknown)
GhostXPS          None                          gxps (unknown)
Ghostscript       None                          gs (9.05)
Ghostscript fonts --with-gs-font-dir=default    /usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/
Ghostscript lib   --with-gslib=no               no
Graphviz          --with-gvc=no
JBIG              --with-jbig=yes               yes
JPEG v1           --with-jpeg=yes               yes
JPEG-2000         --with-jp2=
LCMS v1           --with-lcms=yes               yes
LCMS v2           --with-lcms2=yes              no
LQR               --with-lqr=yes                yes
LTDL              --with-ltdl=yes               no
LZMA              --with-lzma=yes               no
Magick++          --with-magick-plus-plus=yes   yes
OpenEXR           --with-openexr=yes            yes
OpenJP2           --with-openjp2=yes            no
PANGO             --with-pango=yes              no
PERL              --with-perl=no                no
PNG               --with-png=yes                yes
RSVG              --with-rsvg=no                no
TIFF              --with-tiff=yes               yes
WEBP              --with-webp=yes               no
Windows fonts     --with-windows-font-dir=      none
WMF               --with-wmf=no         no
X11               --with-x=                     yes
XML               --with-xml=yes                yes
ZLIB              --with-zlib=yes               yes
thanks for the assistance.