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Recursively resize all images in folder to same resolution ?
Posted: 2014-12-17T01:12:18-07:00
by Rye
So, I am under
Windows and currently have the following problem.
I have a folderstructure like this:
---- f01
----- f02
I want to
recursively resize all images in that folder to the
same resolution.
Can this easily be done with imagemagick ?
Thanks in advance
Re: Recursively resize all images in folder to same resolution ?
Posted: 2014-12-17T10:53:17-07:00
by fmw42
The mogrify command will resize each image in one directory -- one output for each input in the directory. So you would likely need to write a script to loop over each directory and use mogrify. Alternately, you would have to write a script to loop over each image in each directory and use the convert command. Perhaps one of the Windows users can give you better pointers. But Imagemagick by itself does not deal with recursive directories.
Re: Recursively resize all images in folder to same resolution ?
Posted: 2014-12-18T10:03:14-07:00
by Rye
Too bad... Thanks anyways
Re: Recursively resize all images in folder to same resolution ?
Posted: 2014-12-19T07:25:23-07:00
by Rye
Well... Assuming we *were* under unix, how'd the command look here ?
Re: Recursively resize all images in folder to same resolution ?
Posted: 2014-12-19T08:04:02-07:00
by glennrp
You could do
Code: Select all
for x in `find . -type d`
(cd $x; mogrify ....)