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incorrect results with label for unicode (Telugu) text

Posted: 2014-12-27T19:22:12-07:00
by mohancloudworld
I am converting unicode (Telugu) text to image using option "label". I am using the only font available for Telugu on my system but I am getting wrong result. I am using the same font in my libreoffice and it works fine there. Here is my comand:

Code: Select all

printf '\u0C15\u0C48' | convert -font Lohit-Telugu -pointsize 100 label:@- wrongOutput.png
But I get the correct result if I use option "pango".

Code: Select all

printf '<span font="100"> \u0C15\u0C48 </span>' | convert pango:@- correctOutput.png
My setup:
OS: Fedora 21
ImageMagick: 6.8.8-10
Terminal : Gnome

Since "label", "annotate" supports more options compared to "pango", can anyone suggest how this task can be achieved with "label" ?

-Mohan G

Re: incorrect results with label for unicode (Telugu) text

Posted: 2014-12-27T19:32:54-07:00
by fmw42
see and try the ways described there