too many "warning deprecated" messages

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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too many "warning deprecated" messages

Post by davekimble »

Ubuntu 14.04 (amd64)
This is my first attempt at ImageMagick. I shall be calling the functions from PHP (CLI).

I installed ImageMagick from the Ubuntu repositories - v6.7.7
I downloaded the stable sources of MagickWandForPHP-1.0.8 which says it needs ImageMagick v6.3.5 +
./configure reports it can't find magickwand-config
so I installed libmagicwand-dev from the Ubuntu repositories, and that fixed it.
make throws more than 10,000 lines, most of them warning about deprecated functions, and suddenly stops saying "Error 1" though the last thing reported was a warning.

I know I could download the latest ImageMagick sources and compile them, but since I already have a version that is newer than 6.3.5, I don't see how that would help, and it would make things worse if those deprecated functions have been removed.

Could someone please steer me in the right direction for what to try next.
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Re: too many "warning deprecated" messages [SOLVED]

Post by davekimble »

I've now got the latest ImageMagick-6.9.0-2 and MagickWandForPHP-1.0.9, and that all compiles OK with only a sprinkling of deprecateds. Now learning how to use it.

BTW, the GUI app display.im6 does pretty much what I want already, but is let down by:
no configurable toolbar,
the clunky file selector,
limited options for Resize.

A poor example of what can be done (I hope).
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Re: too many "warning deprecated" messages

Post by fmw42 »

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