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Stream large jpg file - VERY SLOW

Posted: 2015-01-21T01:40:23-07:00
by splee99
My system:
- Windows 7, 64-bit, 4GB RAM
- ImageMagicK 6.9.0-1 Q8 x64 2014-12-22

I performed this: stream -map i -storage-type char -extract 1352x27000+28000+0 c:\PQT\Test1.jpg c:\PQT\Test1.dat and it took more than 2 minutes. The JPG file is 70MB. While it is running, all other windows on my computer freeze..

Long time ago I managed to make it work with Windows XP in under 30s! I suspect this is due to some Windows 7 setting:

1. How should I manage the paging file size for my disk drives? What should the size be?
2. What should the registry DisablePagingExecutive be? 1 or 0?
3. Should I disable or enable "write caching on the device" for my disk drives?
4. Is there any other setting which I should change?

This is something strange. I managed to get it run fast in Windows XP. Now Windows 7 I cannot!!

Please help.

Re: Stream large jpg file - VERY SLOW

Posted: 2015-01-21T05:15:04-07:00
by magick
Perhaps the time is spent decoding the JPEG compressed image or writing the results to disk. You may have a huge profile in the JPEG image. You can add -define profile:skip=APP,ICC,IPTC to your command line to skip reading the profile. Make sure you have a modern version of ImageMagick.

Re: Stream large jpg file - VERY SLOW

Posted: 2015-01-21T07:41:33-07:00
by splee99
Hi magick,
magick wrote:You can add -define profile:skip=APP,ICC,IPTC to your command line to skip reading the profile
But I didn't do that on the Windows XP, which processes the image much faster than the odd Windows 7

magick wrote:Make sure you have a modern version of ImageMagick
I am using the latest which is ImageMagick-6.9.0-4-Q8-x64-dll.exe

Has it got anything to do with virtual memory/pagefile setting in Windows?

Thank you