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From White to Transparent background problem

Posted: 2015-01-21T03:44:44-07:00
by yurivdm
Hi all,

for first sorry for my english.

I've a problem about transforming a JPG image with a white background into a PNG with Transparent background.

Everything works fine but my problem is that for several pictures also the main image has some white color areas inside of it.

Example: an open grey fridge with a white background but with also white shelves.
So the white color is correctly removed from the background but the main image is "corrupted"

Unfortunately the color is exactly white #FFF because is a rendering.

I can't use a mask because I can't know beforehand what type of image will be processed

Re: From White to Transparent background problem

Posted: 2015-01-21T07:05:27-07:00
by snibgo
Put your image somewhere like and paste the URL here.

For some images, a fuzzy floodfill from a corner works well.

Re: From White to Transparent background problem

Posted: 2015-01-21T08:59:09-07:00
by yurivdm
Thank you for your post but I've already used the fuzzy parameter in order to have a better image but this not seems to be the solution for my problem.

I need to know if it's possibile to remove white pixel only outside the image silhouette.

Re: From White to Transparent background problem

Posted: 2015-01-21T10:31:44-07:00
by fmw42
I have moved this to the User's forum, since it seems to be directly related to Imagemagick