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PCL Image from jpg - Putting 1B45 in the beginning

Posted: 2015-01-26T12:06:53-07:00
by fijin
A jpg image was converted to PCL format using imagemagick. But the issue which we are facing is that the converted PCL file begins with 1B45 which is a new page for printer. When I try to use this image, this is getting printed in a new page. I am not able to insert this image into the middle of a form. Can someone suggest an idea on how to remove the 1B45 so that this image can be inserted.
Thanks in advance :)

Re: PCL Image from jpg - Putting 1B45 in the beginning

Posted: 2015-01-26T12:46:58-07:00
by magick
At the beginning of a PCL we issue a printer reset and set presentation mode as recommended by the PCL specification we reviewed when we wrote this code. We could add a define to skip resetting the printer or you can post process the image to remove the first few bytes of the image to remove the printer reset.

Re: PCL Image from jpg - Putting 1B45 in the beginning

Posted: 2015-01-27T13:53:40-07:00
by fijin
Thanks. I removed the first few bytes of the image and it is not resetting the printer now.