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Cleaning up noise around text

Posted: 2015-01-28T19:07:08-07:00
by g7Bond

I've been trying to clear the background of the kind of image that you can see below.


The process I'm doing is that first I'll run a simple filter (hand made) to remove some of the noise (picking only black pixels that are surrounded by 8 other black pixels): ... - After that I just run tesseract hoping the result will be good.

I'm providing a free webservice that get information from a government site to allow an easier way to have the information (this really should be provided by the government). Doing that process I've managed to successfully decode the text 25% of the time. But that's not good enough to provide a good service.

I have very little background on image processing, so I think someone around here can give some hints about how to approach on this particular kind of image.

Thanks a lot.

Re: Cleaning up noise around text

Posted: 2015-01-28T19:17:32-07:00
by fmw42
Most people here will not help to break captchas