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flip image in montage

Posted: 2015-01-29T05:24:49-07:00
by contremaitre
I'd like to batch process some pictures to make compiste pictures automaticaly.
It's working fine when the pictures have accurate exif orientation.
But when it's not the case my composite pictures are awful because the input pictures are not correctly turned.
I tried the -flip montage option but it seems it flips the output picture, not the inputs.

Is there an option to turn every single picture in the same orientation for the montage, or should I use convert before sending my pictures to montage ?


Re: flip image in montage

Posted: 2015-01-29T10:36:03-07:00
by fmw42
You can use convert and pipe the output to the input of montage.

convert image1 image2 ... imageN -flip miff:- | montage - ..... output

Re: flip image in montage

Posted: 2015-01-30T04:04:35-07:00
by contremaitre
Actually I misinterpreted the flip option.
I want to rotate the image (need them all in portrait or all in landscape mode).
So I suppose I should still use convert with rotate option, and pipe it to montage ?

Re: flip image in montage

Posted: 2015-01-30T08:00:06-07:00
by contremaitre
Ok I got it with the rotate option and pipe.
Thanks fmw42