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Render text to SVG file

Posted: 2015-02-02T06:08:03-07:00
by deepflame

I am trying to render text to an SVG file. Is this generally supported? Rendering to raster image formats like PNG works great.

The SVG I get looks like this:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg width="62" height="14">
  <image id="image0" width="62" height="14" x="0" y="0"
This is not really what I want as I am looking for a plain vector file.

I use Imagemagick on OSX:

Code: Select all

Version: ImageMagick 6.9.0-3 Q16 x86_64 2015-01-11
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC Modules
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo fontconfig freetype jng jpeg lcms ltdl lzma png rsvg tiff webp xml zlib
Any help is highly appreciated.

Re: Render text to SVG file

Posted: 2015-02-02T06:28:50-07:00
by snibgo
SVG files are plain text. If you want to insert text in an SVG file, use a text tool.

Re: Render text to SVG file

Posted: 2015-02-02T09:27:37-07:00
by deepflame
snibgo wrote:SVG files are plain text. If you want to insert text in an SVG file, use a text tool.
You are right, but the idea was to "render" text to an SVG file having the text as outlines (SVG path elements).

I would not like to use the standard SVG text element and reference the font inside as this is a requirement in the project we work on.

Re: Render text to SVG file

Posted: 2015-02-02T10:57:31-07:00
by snibgo
ImageMagic is a processor for raster images, ie pixels. It is very powerful for this. It can also process vectors, rasterising them. It can do this by itself, or using delegate libraries or delegate programs. IM can't convert raster to vector.

For converting text to a path, Inkscape is the obvious tool.

For general-purpose conversion of raster to path, potrace works fine. So you could use IM to convert text to raster, then potrace to convert from raster to path. But InkScape will give a much better result.

Re: Render text to SVG file

Posted: 2015-02-03T02:32:07-07:00
by deepflame
Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I tried Inkscape already but there are unfortunately some bugs when running it headless and exporting to plain SVG.

Doing some more research we found the Harfbuzz hb-view tool to do exactly what we want but with some compromise. For example it does not have alignment and other things that Imagemagick has.

Guess we will settle using Harfbuzz then if Imagemagick cannot do it.