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Images whitening

Posted: 2015-02-17T05:16:22-07:00
by amitkanfer
Hello experts,
I need to "whiten" images for security reasons.
Meaning - take a certain image, make something with it to reduce the chance of malicious "code" in it.
What i thought is to convert the image to a different format, and then convert it back to the original format again.

so if i have a vector of bytes of a PNG image, i'll do something like this:

Code: Select all

                        Magick::Blob source_blob(buffer->data(), buffer->size());
                        Magick::Image image(source_blob);
                        Magick::Blob intermediate_blob;
                        Magick::Blob blob;
                        uchar* charBuf = (uchar*);
                        buffer->assign(charBuf, charBuf + blob.length());
My questions:
1. Is this the best approach? is there something better / else i should do?
2. I assume Magick recognizes the source image format by the first bytes in the data, and i assume that this is the reason why i'm getting an exception when trying to make an image object out of a blob that represents an ICO format... how can i overcome this? i know what is the source format, but i don't want to use the HD and i don't know what is the geometry of the source image.
3. Regarding ICO format... How do you handle layers? if i convert the format to PNG, which layer will be converted?

thanks alot!