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mogrify .tif to .jpg can't use in photoshop

Posted: 2015-02-18T16:30:26-07:00
by Guts

I been trying convert a folder of images from .tif to .jpg. The convert works fine but the only usable images come from the convert tool. If I use Mogrify to convert several images at once those images once converted to .jpg are unusable in photoshop and don't work to well on windows xp. Is there anyway I can use the convert tool to do several images in a folder to .jpg? It does a better job it seems or at least the images are usable. Anyway here is the code I am using with mogrify

C:\Users\Guts\Desktop\NewFolder>mogrify -resize 2400x2400 -quality 75 -depth 8 -colorspace CMYK -format .jpg *.tif

Once the conversion is done with mogrify if I try to open it in photoshop it just says "Could not complete your request because of a program error." I can view it on windows 7 with windows picture viewer but if I try the same on Windows XP all I get is a green image as if it failed to convert.

Re: mogrify .tif to .jpg can't use in photoshop

Posted: 2015-02-18T17:44:21-07:00
by fmw42
You can try using a CMYK profile rather than -colorspace.

Also what version of IM are you using? If old, then perhaps upgrade to IM

Always a good idea to provide the IM version and platform. But from your syntax, I would assume you are on Windows.

Have you tried just converting one image using convert rather than mogrify? Does that open in PS?

Re: mogrify .tif to .jpg can't use in photoshop

Posted: 2015-02-18T17:52:06-07:00
by fmw42
Also remove the dot in -format .jpg

It should only be -format jpg, otherwise you get image..jpg (double dots).

Also -quality acts differently for different output formats. So you probably need to specify the corresponding compression method. see ... hp#quality ... p#compress

Have you checked the verbose information (identify -verbose yourimage.tif) to see what colorspace and what compression type it has. If already compressed, IM may not want to change the compression or may only uncompressed. I am just guessing here. I am not a TIF expert.

Best thing would be to provide on of your tif image that fail, so that others can test with it. Post to and put the URL here.

But any way try:

Code: Select all

mogrify -resize 2400x2400 -colorspace CMYK -depth 8 -quality 75 -compress jpg -format jpg  *.tif