Centering a JPG image to 8.5 x 11 PDF conversion
Posted: 2015-02-24T11:57:06-07:00
I'm converting multiple 2,000 x 1,600 jpg images to a multi-page PDF ( 11x8.5 paper) 72 DPI
I can get the paper size correct but haven't found he correct parameter to center the image on the page. The image is currently offset to the left side of the page.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated. -David
I'm converting multiple 2,000 x 1,600 jpg images to a multi-page PDF ( 11x8.5 paper) 72 DPI
I can get the paper size correct but haven't found he correct parameter to center the image on the page. The image is currently offset to the left side of the page.
Code: Select all
@echo on
convert m:\acad\ar-*.jpg -resize 765x612 -extent 792x612 -background white m:\acad\ar-.pdf