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rotate a TIFF file that contains a clipping path

Posted: 2015-02-26T07:02:54-07:00
by mouadahi
Hi everyone,

I am using ImageMagick-6.9.0-7 on windows and linux,
I have an issue related to this topic viewtopic.php?t=10317

when I use convert -rotate on a TIFF file containing a clipping path, the path doesn't rotate.

is it "normal" ? how can I fix this please ?



Re: rotate a TIFF file that contains a clipping path

Posted: 2015-02-26T07:33:12-07:00
by dlemstra
ImageMagick currently does not have support for updating the clipping path.

Re: rotate a TIFF file that contains a clipping path

Posted: 2015-02-26T08:42:57-07:00
by mouadahi
thank you for your fast reply