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trim set of images same amount

Posted: 2015-12-10T20:19:50-07:00
by utnuc
I've got a set of stills extracted from a video that I'd like to process the same way, but when I apply -trim to each still they are getting trimmed a tad different each time (when they should have the exact amount of black space on every still. Is there a way to get the average trim of a set and apply it to each one? Here's my code:

Code: Select all

convert in.png -trim +repage out.png

Re: trim set of images same amount

Posted: 2015-12-10T20:50:27-07:00
by fmw42

Code: Select all

cd to directory of images
convert * -format "%@" info:

You can then process all the data to get the average width, height, xoffset and yoffset and then use -crop WxH+X+Y +repage, but it depends upon your OS for scripting.

Please always provide your IM version and platform when asking questions to save a lot of back and forth questions and answers.

Re: trim set of images same amount

Posted: 2015-12-11T08:16:31-07:00
by utnuc
this worked brilliantly with a little bash scripting. Thanks fmw42!