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Posted: 2006-01-04T13:03:00-07:00
by magick
ImageMagick is not supported under Visual C++ 5, however, that does not mean it won't compile. It just means if you run into problems compiling we can't help you.

Posted: 2006-01-06T13:07:55-07:00
by magick
We have not tested ImageMagick under Visual Studio 2005. If someone wants to buy us a copy, let us know and we will provide a ship-to address.

Posted: 2006-01-11T18:23:48-07:00
by magick
We do not have Visual 2005. A full version would be useful, but an upgrade would be acceptable. Send a PM for a shipping address.

Posted: 2006-01-19T20:12:48-07:00
by magick
Ok, an ImageMagick user bought us a copy of Visual Studio 2005 (feel free to identify yourself if you want). ImageMagick compiled with only one patch to IMDisplayDoc.cpp and one patch to configure.cpp. We now need to see if we need to conditionally make the changes so ImageMagick will build with Visual C++ 6, 7, or 8. In addition we will probably work on reducing some of the warnings Visual 8 spews to conform with the latest ISO standards. Give us a few weeks and we'll put out a beta distribution that builds under Visual C++ 8.

Posted: 2006-02-13T08:10:47-07:00
by magick
We have not heard from any user whether ImageMagick will compile with the Visual C++ express version or not and the developers do not currently have the time to check. Hopefully a user will report here any successes or problems with Visual C++ Express.

visual c++ 8

Posted: 2006-08-21T16:42:17-07:00
by mrjvak
Did you put the beta online? I'd like to try compile with Visual c++ 8 Express. I did try with release 6.2.9, following the instructions for c++7, but it says:
>c:\etc\packages\imagemagick-6.2.9\visualmagick\configure\stdafx.h(15) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h': No such file or directory

So before digging to much into it, I'd like to know if I should use a different distribution.


Posted: 2006-08-21T17:47:28-07:00
by magick
ImageMagick 6.2.9-1 is current and most up-to-date release. It compiles fine with VisualStudio 2003 and 2005.

visual c++ 8 Express

Posted: 2006-08-23T15:47:51-07:00
by mrjvak
Did anyone succeed to compile (debug) on visual 2005 express?

I can get a project it to work with Visualmagick in release mode by installing the binary:

But it doesn't contain debug-dlls, so I must build, and then I run in to trouble since Express doesn't have MFC stuff