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Problems displaying PNG images when embedded in SVG [SOLVED]

Posted: 2006-08-09T03:27:14-07:00
by SharkD
Starting with a full RGBA PNG image, I then run the following batch file:

Code: Select all

convert -channel A -negate -separate -monochrome %1%2 %1_alpha%2
composite -compose CopyOpacity "%1_alpha%2" "%1%2" "%1_new%2"
convert -size 64x128 xc:blue %1_blue%2
composite over %1_new%2 %1_blue%2 %1%2
convert %1%2 -transparent rgb(0,0,255) %1%2
del %1_alpha%2
del %1_new%2
del %1_blue%2
The problem I'm having is that the output images' transparency information is not displayed properly when embedded in an SVG file abd viewed using the Adobe SVG browser plugin. Is this a problem with the commands I'm using, ImageMagick or the SVG plugin?

[EDIT] Nevermind. I just tested the SVG file in Firefox and it works ok; so it must be a problem with the plugin.