cmyk coverted properly to rgb on windows but not on linux
Posted: 2006-10-30T18:35:48-07:00
I have succesfully converted a cmyk image to rgb image on windows using the following command:
when i tried using this command on linux, the image is not converted to rgb instead it retains its previous colorspace which is cmyk.
I am not sure about this but i think the problem is, the rgb profile is not properly attached on the image.
Other informations:
The image magick is both 6.2.9 version
I used the windows installer when I installed IM on windows
I manually compiled IM when I installed IM on linux.
hope you can help me with this
Code: Select all
convert inputfile.jpg -profile RGB_PROFILE outputfile.jpg
I am not sure about this but i think the problem is, the rgb profile is not properly attached on the image.
Other informations:
The image magick is both 6.2.9 version
I used the windows installer when I installed IM on windows
I manually compiled IM when I installed IM on linux.
hope you can help me with this