Posted: 2006-11-22T15:57:48-07:00
/usr/local/bin/convert = Path to imagemagick convert
earth.jpg = image to be watermarked
-font Helvetica = font to use
-pointsize 10 = font size
-draw = draw code
\"gravity north = escape the " ( required in php ) watermark position in this case 12 o'clock
fill black = font shadow colour
text 0,12 'Copyright' = font text and a offset from 12 o'clock
fill white = font colour
text 1,11 'Copyright' \" = font text, offset from 12 o'clock and escape the " again
watermark/wmark_text1.jpg = name to save the image as.
Most things can be replaced by a variable declared elsewhere.
An example bit of php code -