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Help: what is the C++ API function for adaptive-blur

Posted: 2007-08-13T12:52:19-07:00
by xinito
Please help. I only find the API for blur, but not adpative-blur. I would like to preserve the edges when bluring the image.

Re: Help: what is the C++ API function for adaptive-blur

Posted: 2007-08-13T13:27:38-07:00
by magick
We added adaptiveBlur to ImageMagick 6.3.5-7 Beta available sometime tomorrow. In the mean-time you can access it with MagickLib::AdaptiveBlurImage().

Re: Help: what is the C++ API function for adaptive-blur

Posted: 2007-08-14T08:18:05-07:00
by xinito
Could you please tell me how I use MagickLib::AdaptiveBlurImage in C++ API?

For example, I had done regular blur like this:

Magick::Image img;

then I tried to compile
but failed.