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by samster34
Forum: Users
Topic: montage resolution limit
Replies: 10
Views: 16417

Re: montage resolution limit

Thanks, saving to that intermediate format should take care of most of these issues! The question remains though, what format should I use for the final resized output? TGA and JPEG both seem to have the same limit of 65500, and BMP files turn out empty when trying to save ones wider than that as ...
by samster34
Forum: Users
Topic: montage resolution limit
Replies: 10
Views: 16417

Re: montage resolution limit

256x256 pixels for each image, except the last one which is 160x256 and the 196th row is 256x80, except for the last one which is 160x80, so the total combined image would be 100,000x50,000 Ultimately I want to resample the final image to something like 65536x32768, but since it's not a neat scaling ...
by samster34
Forum: Users
Topic: montage resolution limit
Replies: 10
Views: 16417

Re: montage resolution limit

Code: Select all

convert: width or height exceeds limit `9-0.tga' @ error/tga.c/WriteTGAImage/702.
still the same issue
by samster34
Forum: Users
Topic: montage resolution limit
Replies: 10
Views: 16417

Re: montage resolution limit

anthony: thanks, that helps. fmw42: I don't see how it could be a memory limitation, montage -list resource lists 33.6GiB area, 15.6GiB memory and 31.3GiB map limits. one complete row of 256x256 tiles would take about 73 MiB memory, I really don't see how that could hit any sort of limit, I have ...
by samster34
Forum: Users
Topic: montage resolution limit
Replies: 10
Views: 16417

montage resolution limit

I'm trying to use montage to tile quite a bunch of images. First, I need to tile 196 sets of 391 256x256 images, each set looks like this: montage -geometry +0+0 9-[0-390]-0.tga -tile 391x1 9-0.tga Then: montage -geometry +0+0 9-[0-195].tga -tile 1x196 9.tga However, each assembled row would have a ...