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by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: EXR bounding box and convert hang
Replies: 4
Views: 4444

Re: EXR bounding box and convert hang

IM was compiled with OpenEXR library version 2.1.0
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: EXR bounding box and convert hang
Replies: 4
Views: 4444

Re: EXR bounding box and convert hang

Code: Select all

identify -verbose colorbars_scaled.exr
- the same error
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Log DPX to sRGB
Replies: 16
Views: 17405

Re: Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Hello everyone! I integrated 6.8.8-8 in our pipeline and already checked for some time. Works fine with Log DPXs and Linear EXRs! Just want to thank you again! ps i've got you logic and now agree with it: - always specify colorspace for an output image - specify colorspace for an input image if you ...
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: EXR bounding box and convert hang
Replies: 4
Views: 4444

EXR bounding box and convert hang

Hi. I have convert tool hang operating with EXR which bounding box is larger than resolution. Process (convert) just hangs event if i only want to "-identify -verbose" an image. I think (and expect) that without any options for data behind the resolution, image should be just cropped to the ...
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Log DPX to sRGB
Replies: 16
Views: 17405

Re: Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Hi! :) I did not said that you can not write linear colors to a 8 bit format. Of cource, technically you can write any 0-255 number in any 8bit format. But if it will be linear, you will se banding when you will apply gamma 2.2 to see it. Especially jpeg compression artefacts are very visible after ...
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Log DPX to sRGB
Replies: 16
Views: 17405

Re: Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Ok. Houdini and Maya and may be some other 3d soft assume that TGA is linear, may be they also assume that it has at least 16 bit per channel (but as far as i know it can't). Because there is no way to store linear image with just 8 bit per channel (by the reasons that i told before and can be ...
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Log DPX to sRGB
Replies: 16
Views: 17405

Re: Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Sorry, i did not got you enough. You say that "sRGB is mostly a defacto-standard" - so all formats that does not define their own standard are sRGB. DPX defines standard - Log (Cineon) EXR says that they are linear and we need to convert it to sRGB to see on a common monitor. ...
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Log DPX to sRGB
Replies: 16
Views: 17405

Re: Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Almost all image formats requires sRGB. Only DPX, EXR (float TIFF and some rare others) not use sRGB - one use Log and others can handle any colors without any colorspace at all. For example all JPEG files we shot by photo has sRGB, any image on any web site and anything that designed to be shown on ...
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Log DPX to sRGB
Replies: 16
Views: 17405

Re: Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Hi! Great! It works! All DPXes are converted right! DPX metadata is not always correct, so flag "-set colorspace" is very useful. ( it's a pity, but some programs can modify colorspace and does not modify metadata, Nuke for example ) But now the same issuse with OpenEXR :) EXR stores data as a float ...
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Log DPX to sRGB
Replies: 16
Views: 17405

Re: Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Thank you for a quick reply!

Here i generated 10,12 and 16 bit Log DPXes:
colorbars.jpg file shows how sRGB image should look

Also i placed a real film scan and a jpeg to show it.

The film is enough old, you can place/show scan anywhere.
by timurhai
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting Log DPX to sRGB
Replies: 16
Views: 17405

Converting Log DPX to sRGB

Hello. I am trying to convert 10bit Log DPX image to sRGB TGA (or JPEG). I read documentaion and try several variants with no success. convert -verbose -version colorbars.dpx -set colorspace Log -colorspace sRGB colorbars.tga Version: ImageMagick 6.8.8-7 Q16 x86_64 2014-02-19 http://www.imagemagick ...