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by Lord Asriel
Forum: Users
Topic: Simple import usage
Replies: 2
Views: 2081

Re: Simple import usage

You got it right once again. X11? Where do I get it?
There seems to be an article in its a...GUI protocol? I'm getting quite confused.
by Lord Asriel
Forum: Users
Topic: Simple import usage
Replies: 2
Views: 2081

Simple import usage

I fail to use the import program.
I use [installdir]\import -screen -window root xxz.png

Sometimes I omit -screen, sometimes -window root, sometimes both. On every case, all of the instructions appear on the command line, and no image is saved anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?
by Lord Asriel
Forum: Users
Topic: Missing programs
Replies: 5
Views: 3193

Re: Missing programs

snibgo wrote:There isn't an official archive of binaries, so I'm uploading ImageMagick-6.8.7-5-Q16-x64-dll.exe to my dropbox account for you.
This truly is very kind of you! Thank you!
by Lord Asriel
Forum: Users
Topic: Missing programs
Replies: 5
Views: 3193

Re: Missing programs

Can I get this previous version somewhere?
by Lord Asriel
Forum: Users
Topic: Missing programs
Replies: 5
Views: 3193

Missing programs

Hello! I installed the Windows 64 bit dynamic binary. I understand the installation consists of many command-programs, but it seems I am missing some (and, most importantly, the ones that made me install the program!). I only got: compare, composite, conjure, convert, identify, mogrify, montage ...