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by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

This is...solved?... It turned out to be a font problem - when GS was pointed to the Windows\Fonts folder it worked. Here is the process of figuring it out the problem since I'm not entirely sure what fixed it. Running GS alone I noticed it was complaining about missing fonts and it was substituting ...
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

No...still italics and now fuzzy. I'll look through the documentation though to see if there is something user dependent.

Thank you again for searching so long for an answer!
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

I think I have a solution for you. Just use GS. The following works for me. gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dEPSCrop -sDEVICE=png256 -r300x300 -sOutputFile=figure.png figure.eps You may be able to edit the delegates.xml file to use sDEVICE=png256 for one of the eps lines. But I was not successful. However, I ...
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

Just an update (because -- since I can't be the only one with mysterious italics appearing in eps files right?) Note: we have an Illustrator script to convert eps to png now. It means a three step process (script to convert xml files, Illustrator to convert figures, combine ...
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

There must still be something in the xmp profile, because when I used -strip to remove all the spot parameters, it still did not work. Profiles: Profile-xmp: 37025 bytes Just to clarify - this is when you use -strip on the original figure.eps file? When I do that I get a black box, so I'm probably ...
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

Original file uploaded to was the original created with Illustrator R15.1 (CS 5) I've been playing with the file on my computer and at some point saved it using R17 (or CC). I suspect this happened when trying to save as an RGB format in Illustrator. It's still producing the same errors ...
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

PS - I really appreciate the effort you all are making! At least now I have a basis to go on -- and it's one I would have never thought to consider.
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

I am not an expert on eps files nor photoshop or illustrator. However, the verbose information for your figure.eps file shows spot colors with italics fonts. IM does not know how to deal with spot colors. So this may be your issue? My suspicion is that the default font is italic, since even ...
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

Things NOT working: Trying to convert the CMYK eps to RGB eps first - then convert eps to png convert -density 300 -colorspace cmyk figure.eps -fill none -colorspace rgb figure_eps2RGBeps.eps convert -density 300 figure_eps2RGBeps.eps -fill none figure_RGBeps2png.png removed fill option (not really ...
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

Your eps image is CMYK and PNG does not support CMYK. But if I open your eps in Photoshop and change the colorspace to RGB and save as eps and then do ...yes......and no. When I open the eps file in Photoshop (which rasterizes it), set the colorspace to RGB and save as a Photoshop EPS it works in ...
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

Re: IM skews font in vector eps files

Here are the files: I've included - original eps files (figure & equation) - png files using the convert command with IM - png screenshots of the eps files opened in IM viewer. When I open the files using Adobe Illustrator they show up fine (roman text ...
by LadyCygnus
Forum: Users
Topic: IM skews font in vector eps files
Replies: 22
Views: 18289

IM skews font in vector eps files

I'm using ImageMagic command line to convert images from eps into png. When a figure (eps vector created with some version of Illustrator) is passed through ImageMagick (either command line or opened in the IM viewer) it comes out with skewed font. Note - it's not italic, just skewed - actual italic ...