I'm attempting to import 3ds model meshes into the FlightGear flight simulation environment (version 0.9.10 to be exact). The 3ds meshes are coming across OK but the textures are not. The "stock" textures included with the 3ds are JPGs. However, FlightGear appears to want to use RGB format which from my basic reading is very low-level. The error message I get from FlightGear suggested to me to install ImageMagick and use it to convert the JPGs to RGB. Which I dutifully did

I used the CONVERT command to create an RGB version of one of the JPGs as a test. However, when I now re-launch FG it eventually triggers a FATAL ERROR when it attempts to use this new RGB file. The exact error message is: Unrecognized magic number 0x6ec5.
If anyone here already has experience doing this (i.e. creating FG-compliant RGB) I would appreciate any advice or help.
Cheers and thanks in advance,