I have a PNG image (clock.png) which contains 59 frames and I want to build a GIF animation. For this, I use the following:
Code: Select all
E:\ImageMagick\convert.exe -delay 1x25 clock.png -crop 20x20 +repage clock.gif
If I understand correctly, to correct this "bug" I need to enable Anti-Aliasing or smooth options — I tries several options, but without any success. After thorough testing, I found a method which allow to correct the aliasing bug:
Code: Select all
E:\ImageMagick\convert.exe -delay 1x25 clock.png -crop 20x20 +repage -bordercolor "#ebebeb" -border 0x0 clock.bad_bg.gif
It looks exactly what I need, but, this image looks awfully on another background colors (for examples look here). After countless attempts, I decided to ask for aid. So, please, help me to build a perfect animation with smooth borders and transparent background.
Any help will really appreciated.
Thank you!
ImageMagick Version: 6.8.8-1 Q16 x86 2013-12-25 (Portable Win32 static at 16 bits-per-pixel)
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium (SP1)