Some PDFs are converted improperly

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Some PDFs are converted improperly

Post by _gefest »

Hello colleagues.

I faced with following problem with using ImageMagic. I have Java EE web application which need to make some thumbnails from uploaded PDFs. 3rd patry application uploads PDFs to my application.

My application tryes to convert this (and others) PDF via following command

Code: Select all

convert some.pdf  -auto-orient -resize 100x100> some.png
As result of convertation I have this PNG. I'm trying for 3 days but wasn't able to figure out whats wrong with uploaded PDFs. Other PDFs is converted in correct way. Could you give me advice whats wrong with this PDFs and how to convert it right.

Note: Imagemagick V6.8.6.6, GhostScript 8.64.

Thanks in advanse.
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Re: Some PDFs are converted improperly

Post by dlemstra »

Can you upgrade your version of Ghostscript to the latest version?
.NET + ImageMagick = Magick.NET, @MagickNET, Donate
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Re: Some PDFs are converted improperly

Post by _gefest »

Yes. I've upgrade GS to 9.10 and converting is OK. Thanks a lot :) Can the issue be solved without GS upgrading? I just curious what is wrong with this PDF?
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Re: Some PDFs are converted improperly

Post by dlemstra »

Ghostscript creates an image from the PDF. Upgrading your version of Ghostscript probably fixed a bug while reading the image.
.NET + ImageMagick = Magick.NET, @MagickNET, Donate
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