I would like to scale big PDFs to A4-papersize. Tried different Tools, but all of them delete graphical annotations (you can add them via Adobe - Reader).
So I found the beautiful tool "convert"
PDF to PDF A4 doens't work for me, any fault in this command?
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 win/tmp/A3.PDF -page A4 win/tmp/A4.pdf
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -scale 4460x3460 -frame 50x50 -mattecolor white win/tmp/THY.pdf win/tmp/XY.jpg
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 win/tmp/XY.jpg -scale 4510x3510 -quality 92 win/tmp/XY.pdf

PDF to PDF would be the better way...
Thanks for any tricks.
Greetings from Germany