The references given by fmw42 are good. Here is a simple explanation of zooming with "-distort SRT".
1. Translates to put the first coord (X,Y) at the origin. (Default: move the centre to the origin.)
2. Scales and rotates about the origin.
3. Translates to put the origin at the second coord (NewX,NewY). (Default: second coord equals first coord.)
So if you want to smoothly zoom in (by varying the scale, increasing from 1.0), you can keep a feature of the source image at a constant location in the resulting image. To do this, give its coordinate as the first (X,Y) and don't give (NewX,NewY).
Code: Select all
convert logo: -background red -virtual-pixel background -distort SRT 238,110,%SCALE%,0 out.png
where %SCALE% is a number >= 1
Or you might want to smoothly zoom in by putting a feature of the image in the centre of the result. To do this, give its coordinate as the first (X,Y) and give the semi-width and semi-height for (NewX,NewY).
Code: Select all
convert logo: -background red -virtual-pixel background -distort SRT 238,110,%SCALE%,0,320,240 out.png