I'm looking into the following error message, but I have no idea where to start. Any ideas on what's going wrong?
mogrify: Expected 8 bytes; found 0 bytes `/tmp/ImageMagickwYYEoV' @ png.c/PNGWarningHandler/1433.
mogrify: Read Exception `/tmp/ImageMagickwYYEoV' @ png.c/PNGErrorHandler/1416.
mogrify: Corrupt image `/tmp/ImageMagickwYYEoV' @ png.c/ReadPNGImage/2933.
Handling PNG
Re: Handling PNG
More information required - IM version, platform and the code you are using.Any ideas on what's going wrong?
It looks like a corrupted file and it would help the fault finding if you can upload the image so people can test it.