can't find command line

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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can't find command line

Post by andyswilson »

I suspect I'm being very stupid or the prog has installed wrongly but I can't find a command line. I can import the image I want to convert but can find no edit options except Trim etc in the edit menu. What have I done?!
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Re: can't find command line

Post by Bonzo »

How did you intend on running the code - what platform. Are you trying to run it in Imagemagick display?

On Windows you run it through the Windows command line.
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Re: can't find command line

Post by fmw42 »

Imagemagick is run from the command line in a terminal window. There is a minimal GUI in unix when you display the image from a terminal window and then click on the image. Otherwise, it is run only from a terminal by typing the command line you want to do for processing. There are two web-based versions that you can use. see ... Studio.cgi

As for commands, see ... essing.php ... ptions.php
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Re: can't find command line

Post by snibgo »

andyswilson wrote:I suspect I'm being very stupid or the prog has installed wrongly but I can't find a command line.
None of the ImageMagick programs have a command line. They can all be run from your operating system's command line, also known as "command prompt" or "console".

The main program is "convert" which is very powerful but not interactive. "display" or "imdisplay" is an interactive viewer with a few very limited manipulations.
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