I'm using Image Magick to convert HPGL format to EPS through hp2xx tool in my Web Service application.
So, I had installed IM in my Windows 2008 R2 server and setup my WS to invoke IM when it's needed.
I noticed that conversion was not succesful and started to investigate what was happening.
With a tracer sniffing my convert process on the server, I discovered that when IM calls hp2xx tool to make the conversion, it tries to create a temporary file on the root (e.g. C:\) of my server.
The problem: I guess isn't right to grant write/execution access to my IIS user on the root of my server.
So, I was taking a look at hp2xx posts on the internet and found that it uses a function called tmpfile() to create that temporary file.
Code: Select all
#if defined(DOS) && defined (GNU)
if ((pg->td = fopen("hp2xx.$$$","w+b")) == NULL)
#elif defined(AMIGA)
if ((pg->td = fopen("t:hp2xx.tmp","w+b")) == NULL)
[b]if ((pg->td = tmpfile()) == NULL)[/b]
#endif /** !DOS && GNU **/
PError("hp2xx -- opening temporary file");
return ERROR;
I got the source code of hp2xx tool and change that bold line in the code above to:
Code: Select all
if ((pg->td = fopen( tempnam("C:\tmp", "t"), "w+b")) == NULL)
It is just a workaround to solve my problem for a while, but it's far away from a complete solution.
I wish to know if IM developers team known about this issue and if you have a way to recompile hp2xx with the proper modifications to embed in the next versions of IM.
I looked around for your version of hp2xx source code to recompile, but I can't found it.
Please, can you tell if is it possible to correct that problem for current or future versions?
I know that hp2xx tool it's an external tool, but I guess you have you have your own repository of code for that tool. Am I right?
Thanks in advanced.
Luís Felipe.