I'm new to imagemagick so bear with me....
I'm converting a series of ai files to jpg/png, but I'm having some trouble matching the color. The output seems to have a kind of 'neon' effect to it. I'm sure it's a colorspace or a conversion issue but any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. The ai files are in cmyk space. Here's my python code...
Code: Select all
for file in self.filteredFiles:
print('Converting ' + file)
myFileName = file.split('/')[1]
#myConvertName = file[:-3] + '.jpg'
with Image(filename=file, resolution = (RESOLUTION,RESOLUTION)) as myFile:
myFile.resolution = RESOLUTION
myFile.depth = 32
myFile.format = 'png'
myFile.type = 'truecolor'
myFile.colorspace = 'cmyk'
myConvertName = myDir + '/' + 'default_' + myFileName[:-2] + 'png'
with myFile.convert('jpg') as converted:
converted.depth = 32
converted.colorspace = 'rgb'
converted.save (filename = myConvertName)