convert to txt not working on floating point?

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convert to txt not working on floating point?

Post by deklund »

I tried using convert to text with a 16 bit int tiff file, it worked fine and the output values were as expected. Not so when I tried doing the same thing on a 32 bit float tiff. I thought this might be caused by the bit depth, so I converted to 16 bit depth and viewed the file (a ramp) to confirm ImageMagick had processed it correctly. I tried using convert to text on the 16 bit file, but I'm getting nonsense data. The file is an RGB ramp with increasing values from left to right, but when I read out a row, all the values are coming out the same #1F721F721F72.

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Re: convert to txt not working on floating point?

Post by fmw42 »

Not sure if this will help, but see the -define for tiff floating point and -depth.

"To specify a single-precision floating-point format, use -define quantum:format=floating-point. Set the depth to 64 for a double-precision floating-point format"

see ... php#define

You may have to work in Q32 or HDRI IM compile.

Or it could be a bug in IM or a bad TIFF file? I do not know enough to say.
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Re: convert to txt not working on floating point?

Post by snibgo »

The question is rather vague.

Please give the actual commands you used so other people can try them.

Please also state the version of IM, Q-number and whether using HDRI. And platform.
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Re: convert to txt not working on floating point?

Post by deklund »

Sorry, in preparing a sample to share I found the problem was mine. The image was matted and i had not noticed.
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