After days of searching, i have been able to configure my scanner with SANE and ScanBD. In configuring, I seem to now need to delete blank scanned pages when using the ADF, although this is not my only problem i figured i start there.
I have found a few examples. one here ... mage-files
which suggest to use
Code: Select all
identify -format "%#" source.png,
Code: Select all
identify -format "%k" source.png
so i continued wht search. and founds this posting.
that uses,
Which i am assume to take that if the value return is not "0" then remove the file. which i think should work. however when i run the command it take about 15 to 20 seconds to complete per page. Is this normal behavior? This can take forever on large documents.This command to check for mostly white space:
convert image_page5.tif -format "%[fx:mean>0.99?1:0]" info:
IS there a standard method or a best practice methods for deleting blank pages? any assistance would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
FYI - Wanted to mention i am using Raspberry pi for this.